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Power Pilates is a fusion between Clinical Pilates and Functional Training. This innovative method combines

the benefits of both types of exercise.

Our Power Pilates classes enhance your workout in all muscle chains, while maintaining posture, controlled breathing and core muscle activation.


Power Pilates is a completely safe method, implemented by physiotherapists. It is recommended

for everyone whether you have

a medical condition or not. It is also highly recommended during

pregnancy and postpartum.


Desde a área Neurológica até à Cardio-Respiratória ou músculo-esquelética, o recurso à Fisioterapia tem como objetivo dar qualidade de vida a cada pessoa (adulto e criança), seja durante uma lesão/doença ou na prevenção das mesmas.

Osteopathy ADULT

The main objective of Osteopathy is to restore the balance of the individual, based on the principle that “Structure governs function” seeks to restore good mobility between the different tissues of the body, in order to facilitate their good function.


It uses manual techniques for diagnosis and treatment, based on knowledge of anatomy, physiology, pathology and biomechanics.



Paediatric osteopathy uses soft, painless manual techniques. We work with babies and children who suffer from torticollis, constipation and colic, babies who show discomfort with excessive crying, recurrent ear infections, plagiocephaly and other cranial deformities, gastroesophageal reflux, brachial plexus injury and problems with breastfeeding due to difficulty related to suction, among others.


Our osteopath, when assessing the baby, will check for the presence of adequate mobility and normal tension of all tissues, so as to rule out growth asymmetries and future neural compressions, such as the cranial nerves in the eye and those responsible for swallowing, as well as the tongue muscles, for example, which cross several intracranial structures. These structures should maintain normal movement in order to facilitate their correct function. 

Pelvic Floor Physiotherapy

The Pelvic Floor is composed of the muscles and ligaments that form the base of the pelvis, which support and help maintain the function of the pelvic organs: the bladder, rectum and uterus. 

Main pelvic floor disorders are urinary incontinence, overactive bladder, difficulty in defecating, faecal incontinence, pelvic pain, sexual symptoms, and pelvic organ prolapse.

Physiotherapy is the first conservative approach for rehabilitation

and prevention of these disorders, assisting also in preparation for labour and delivery.

Paediatric Respiratory Physiotherapy

Respiratory Physiotherapy is of a set of manual techniques which contribute to clearing the baby's airways.

It is recommended for any of the following symptoms: obstruction

of airways (wheezing, overproduction

of secretions) productive cough, rhinorrhoea (nasal discharge), difficulty in breathing and/or expelling secretions, and altered sleep, appetite

or behavioural patterns. If you observe any of these symptoms in your baby, respiratory physiotherapy

is an effective solution.

Physiotherapy in Cancer treatment

Functional Recovery

• Breast surgery

• Oncological Surgery

• Manual lymphatic drainage

Our physiotherapist in oncology has an important role in improving the quality of life of patients, promoting functional, physical and emotional recovery, using various techniques. We assist with pain relief, scar mobilization techniques, drainage of the affected area, postural correction and increased joint and general mobility in order to re-establish daily activities. Our goal is to always prevent and treat possible complications such as: lymphedema, fibrosis, scar adhesions, retractions, presence of seroma, decrease in range of motion, muscle weakness, postural and respiratory alterations and pain.


Individual assessment and monitoring of psychological, affective and physical problems that trigger psychological discomfort. It promotes  well-being and personal autonomy, when facing difficulties, for better adaptation, integration and growth.


Intervention areas:

Anxiety, panic attacks and phobias;

Depression; Stress; Personality Disorders; Sleep Disorders;

Traumatic life events (bereavement, divorce, unemployment, etc.); Issues related to family dynamics; Crisis Situations.


Train and prepare parents for the birth of their children and for the challenges of the first months of parenthood.


With a multi-disciplinary approach, based on the most current evidence, this course is given by specialists who collaborate with the Power Clinic, thus allowing an excellent opportunity to accompany families, before and after the birth of their children, with practices consistent with the theory covered in the course

Osteopathy ADULT

The main objective of Osteopathy is to restore the balance of the individual, based on the principle that “Structure governs function” seeks to restore good mobility between the different tissues of the body, in order to facilitate their good function.


It uses manual techniques for diagnosis and treatment, based on knowledge of anatomy, physiology, pathology and biomechanics.


Pediatrics is the medical specialty dedicated to assisting the newborn up to 18 years old, in its various aspects, whether preventive or curative.

At the Power Clinic, in addition

to technical skills, we bet on an attentive, available and caring Pediatrician with children.

Breastfeeding Consultation


In this consultation we offer specialized support in breastfeeding, by a Nurse specialist in Pediatrics and IBCLC (Internationally certified Lactation Consultant).


Here you can clarify your doubts and get support in the difficulties you may experience in the breastfeeding process. 


A forma como nos alimentamos influencia a nossa saúde, bem-estar e vitalidade. 

Sem fundamentalismos ou imposições, a nutricionista irá ajudá-lo a fazer escolhas mais conscientes, mais saudáveis e adaptadas às suas necessidades específicas. Trabalhamos para que, ao longo das consultas de nutrição, encontre o seu equilibro e possa fazer escolhas alimentares compatíveis com os seus objetivos e condição clínica. 

Principais áreas de atuação: 

•    doenças gastrointestinais

•    infertilidade

•    transição para padrões alimentares de origem vegetal,

•    oncologia 

•    doenças auto-imunes


Pediatric First Aid


In this workshop, we intend to train parents to provide first aid to their children in case of common domestic accidents such as falls, burns, drowning, ingestion of toxic products, among others. The course also includes teaching Basic Life Support maneuvers, with a theoretical and practical component. 

Fertility Care

It is an educational and standardized system of gynecological and procreative health, which is based on self-observation and recording of cervical mucus according to a Vaginal Discharge Recording System (SDVR), which allows the identification of various biomarkers.

It can be used to plan or space pregnancies, by selecting the fertile or infertile days according to the couple's intention.


However, more than a family planning method, it is a health monitoring system. Biomarkers such as menstrual cycle length, post-peak phase duration, premenstrual spotting, dry or continuous discharge cycles, severe menstrual pain, menstrual irregularities or heavy bleeding can more accurately guide medical diagnosis, promoting prevention and a more targeted intervention.

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